Everyone will be talking and you will be creating lasting impressions with these effective, inexpensive and useful “Buzz Talk” marketing tools. Prospects will be feeling appreciated and you will be forever remembered. All gifts come complete with a humorous card. BT-1-3 includes a cardette to hold your own personal business card.
reBOOT and Stay
reBOOT and Stay
Did you hear what the buzz is all about? Be forever remembered by presenting your communities’ prospects these effective and inexpensive marketing gifts. Not only will they give your potential future tenants something to “Buzz” about but they will create lasting impressions and give you an edge on your competition.
Freshen up your car in style with this fun Boot Car Air Freshener featuring a soft, cloth boot-shaped freshener with a foam sole and a refreshing scent. Includes an attached elastic hanging cord.
Buzz Talk – Four
BuzzTalk – Four
Did you hear what the buzz is all about? Be forever remembered by presenting your communities’ prospects these effective and inexpensive marketing gifts. Not only will they give your potential future tenants something to “Buzz” about but they will create lasting impressions and give you an edge on your competition. All gifts are delivered with a humorous card.
Buzz Talk – Two
Buzz Talk – Two
Did you hear what the buzz is all about? Be forever remembered by presenting your communities’ prospects these effective and inexpensive marketing gifts. Not only will they give your potential future tenants something to “Buzz” about but they will create lasting impressions and give you an edge on your competition. All gifts are delivered with a humorous card. Buzz Talk 1-3 includes a cardette to hold your own personal business card.
Freshen up your car in style with this fun Boot Car Air Freshener featuring a soft, cloth boot-shaped freshener with a foam sole and a refreshing scent. Includes an attached elastic hanging cord.
Buzz Talk – Three
BuzzTalk – Three
Did you hear what the buzz is all about? Be forever remembered by presenting your communities’ prospects these effective and inexpensive marketing gifts. Not only will they give your potential future tenants something to “Buzz” about but they will create lasting impressions and give you an edge on your competition. All gifts are delivered with a humorous card. Buzz Talk 1-3 includes a cardette to hold your own personal business card.
Buzz Talk – One
Buzz Talk – One
Did you hear what the buzz is all about? Be forever remembered by presenting your communities’ prospects these effective and inexpensive marketing gifts. Not only will they give your potential future tenants something to “Buzz” about but they will create lasting impressions and give you an edge on your competition. All gifts are delivered with a humorous card. Buzz Talk 1-3 includes a cardette to hold your own personal business card.